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Zerin's Baby Massage & Yoga Classes

- 5 week group classes

-One-to-one sessions

-Daddy-&-Me sessions                    

Zerin's Story Massage & Movement Classes

Group classes based over 4 weeks

Suitable for babies 3 months +


My first blog


Where it all started....

I was talking with my husband Paul today about my experience when we had our babies. We were chatting about how I felt going to groups and classes and how absolutely overwhelming it was. I really wanted to get out of the house and meet other Mum's. But the thought of going out on my own with a little baby, was so scary. I was so lucky when I had Charlie - my eldest child, I had my NCT Antenatal group and we met every week and sometimes more than once. Thank you all - you saved my sanity! 

We moved to a new village when Charlie was 10 weeks old. We knew one family, other than that, I didn't know anyone. That was my first real experience of loneliness.

When I had Violet, nearly 3 and half years later, I was not expecting to feel so isolated. I no longer had a group around me that I saw all the time. I was on maternity leave and really wanted mummy friends to talk to and drink tea with. The first year after Violet was born was extremely tough.       

I tried going to groups and some were good and they allowed me to get out of the house. If I met another parent, it would be great to talk about our sleepless nights, bouts of crying and managing a baby and a small child.

It felt so good to not feel alone and know that others were experiencing similar things.        

I now know I was not alone in feeling isolated and lonely. It is so common for new parents to feel this way. Its ok to admit to feeling that way too.

This is why I run my classes the way I do.

With every group and every class, we create a COMMUNITY and a safe space to talk, ask each other questions and have a moan (and sometimes a cry). I always make time and space for everyone to chat, eat cake and enjoy a hot drink. 

If you are  a parent or carer, with a baby or are pregnant and feel worried about going to groups or making friends or simply you feel lonely -  please contact me

I will happily invite you into our lovely, friendly community. Come and feel part of something great. I absolutely love it when the parents in my groups start seeing each-other outside of the classes. So many friendships have formed and its bloody lovely.

Come and join my Facebook group that was created to help support pregnant and new parents find classes, groups and a safe space.