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Zerin's Baby Massage & Yoga Classes

- 5 week group classes

-One-to-one sessions

-Daddy-&-Me sessions                    

Zerin's Story Massage & Movement Classes

Group classes based over 4 weeks

Suitable for babies 3 months +



Suitable for babies aged 3 months and onwards    (message me if your baby is younger)


My Story Massage & Movement classes are great for babies who are starting to discover the world around them. Each session is based on a theme, such as: animals, food, space, under the sea, transport and more. Each class is full of songs, rhymes, stories and sensory play. While your baby plays with themed toys, musical instruments and sensory toys they are developing their fine motor skills. The songs, rhymes and stories that your baby experiences helps them to increase their ever-growing brain development. What you and you baby actually experience is fun!

I am trained through The Story Massage Programme.

What happens on the course  Story Massage classes are interactive and fun for your growing baby. Each sessions include songs, rhymes and stories. Parents/carers will use a series of massage strokes (over the top of clothes) alongside songs and rhymes using their hands and different props such as, feathers, brushes and sensory balls to give different touch experiences. There are always toys and sensory items for your baby to play with too.

Babies love and learn using repetition. Songs, stories and rhymes will be repeated to enable parents/carers to learn the Massage sequences to use at home.  I also use techniques such as baby yoga in fun and interactive ways.

What are the benefits of Story Massage & Movement

Story Massage can help with physical, emotional and social development:

Story Massage allows parents to continue to offer nurturing massage as the child grows. It is a life-long skill that they can use for many years.

Repetition of songs and stories encourages anticipation, development of language skills, focus and concentration, communication, turn taking and socialising skills.

Research (taken from The Touch Institute, Miami) has proven that children who learn healthy views of touch and are provided with tactile experience by a parent or carers are more likely to grow up with a healthy self image, a sense of appropriate boundaries and long lasting intimate relationships.

Babies and parents enjoy the fun, creativity and interaction of positive touch through Story Massage.

Story Massage offers parents the opportunity to connect and relax with their baby through the medium of story telling, singing and loving touch. This helps build upon their existing relationship.


Who comes to Story Massage & Movement classes

The classes are great for babies aged approximately 3 months +. However, each baby is different and develops in different ways. Each activity is adaptable for every baby and their development stage. Your baby may be starting to sit up, but still like to sit or lay in your lap or they may be active and on the move. For whatever stage your baby is at, they will love the activities and experiences. Each song or rhyme we sing can be repeated at home, in the car or at the supermarket - you just may not sing as loud when you are in public!


A 4 week Story Massage & Movement class costs £30 and includes access to all the songs, rhymes and stories we use during each session. There is time for chatting and snacking at each session.